Wait, what? What's taylorkisser?
taylorkisser is the internet's hottest new social media site. Here's how it works. Anyone can submit a message below. When they click the Kiss! button, their message is sent to Taylor as a text. All messages are anonymous and come from a single phone number. From Taylor's perspective he will see a single phone number (that he should go ahead and save as taylorkisser) sending him all sorts of random messages. It's like an old school Facebook wall except private and anonymous.
What is this good for?
Imagine all the hunks are hanging out, and Taylor farts silently. You can call him out on it, anonymously, and quietly. "I know that was you who farted." Or imagine Taylor getting a barrage of texts each night calling him a tired tired boy. He doesn't know who is saying what. There's all sorts of uses for this I swear.
500 character limit. NO MULTIMEDIA. For some reason I don't care to figure out, you can't send URLs.